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Monitoring and Managing Your Jobs, etc.

  1. Seeing what jobs are running/queued
  2. When will my job run
  3. Detailed information about your jobs
    1. Detailed information about running/queued jobs
    2. Detailed information about finished jobs
  4. Viewing output of jobs in progress
  5. Cancelling your jobs
  6. Monitoring the cluster

Seeing what jobs are running/queued

The slurm command to list what jobs are running is squeue, e.g.
login-1: squeue
           1243530 standard  payerle  R   18:47:23      2 compute-b18-[2-3]
           1244127 standard    kevin  R    1:15:47      1 compute-b18-4
           1230562 standard  payerle PD       0:00      1 (Resources)
           1244242 standard  payerle PD       0:00      2 (Resources)
           1244095 standard   kevin PD       0:00      1 (ReqNodeNotAvail)

The ST column gives the state of the job, with the following codes:

The NODELIST(REASON) field will tell you on which nodes jobs that are currently running are running on. If the job is pending (i.e. not running), it will give a short explanation for why the job is not running (as of the last time the scheduler examined the job). Typically one might see something like:

Typically, if you see something note in the above list, there is a problem and you will want to contact systems staff to assist.

The squeue command also takes a wide range of options, including options to control what is output and how. See the man page (man squeue) for more information.

For example: if you add the following to your ~/.aliases file (assuming you are using a C-shell variant):

alias sqp 'squeue -S -Q -o "%.18i %.9P %.8j %.8u %.2t %.10M %.6D %Q %R"'
when you next log in the command sqp will list jobs in the queue in order of descending priority.

When will my job start?

The scheduler tries to schedule all jobs as quickly as possible, subject to cluster policies, available hardware, allocation priority (contributers to the cluster get higher priority allocations), etc. Typically jobs run within a day or so, but this can vary and usage of the cluster can vary widely at times.

The command squeue command, with the appropriate arguments, can show you the scheduler's estimate of when a pending/idle job will start running. It is, of course, just the scheduler's best estimate, given current conditions, and the actual time a job starts might be earlier or later than that depending on factors such as the behavior of currently running jobs, the submission of new jobs, and hardware issues, etc.

To see this, you need to request that squeue show the %S field in the output format option, e.g.

login-1> squeue -o "%.9i %.9P %.8j %.8u %.2t %.10M %.6D %S"
      473  standard  payerle PD       0:00      4 2014-05-08T12:44:34
      479  standard    kevin PD       0:00      4 N/A
      489  standard tptest1.  payerle PD       0:00      2 N/A

Obviously, the times given are estimates. The job could start earlier if other jobs ahead of it in the queue do not use their full walltime, or could get delayed if jobs with a higher priority than yours are submitted before your start time.

Detailed information about your jobs

Detailed information about running/queued jobs

To get more detailed information about a job that is currently running or in the queue, you can use the scontrol show job JOBNUMBER command. This command provides much detail about your job, eg.

login-2> scontrol show job 486
   UserId=payerle(34676) GroupId=glue-staff(8675)
   Priority=33 Account=test QOS=normal
   JobState=PENDING Reason=Priority Dependency=(null)
   Requeue=1 Restarts=0 BatchFlag=1 ExitCode=0:0
   RunTime=00:00:00 TimeLimit=00:03:00 TimeMin=N/A
   SubmitTime=2014-05-06T11:20:20 EligibleTime=2014-05-06T11:20:20
   StartTime=Unknown EndTime=Unknown
   PreemptTime=None SuspendTime=None SecsPreSuspend=0
   Partition=standard AllocNode:Sid=pippin:31236
   ReqNodeList=(null) ExcNodeList=(null)
   NumNodes=2 NumCPUs=8 CPUs/Task=1 ReqS:C:T=*:*:*
   MinCPUsNode=1 MinMemoryNode=0 MinTmpDiskNode=0
   Features=(null) Gres=(null) Reservation=(null)
   Shared=OK Contiguous=0 Licenses=(null) Network=(null)

Detailed information about finished jobs

The scontrol command above will only display information about jobs which are either running or in the queue. Often it is useful to get information about jobs which have already finished. The sacct and seff commands allow one to inspect jobs which already completed (although you can look at queued/running jobs with the sacct command as well, most of the interesting information is not available until after the job completes).

The seff command is easier to use, but is rather limited in the information returned. However, as the information it returns is often what we are most interested in, it is a handy command. It takes a single argument, the job number of a job to report on, and returns some basic status information as well as the how well the job utilized the CPU and memory that it requested/was allocated to it. This can be used to fine tune your job submission parameters to make more efficient use of the cluster; something the AAC looks at when requesting more resources. For example:

login-2:~$ seff 10603094
Job ID: 10603094
Cluster: zaratan
User/Group: payerle/glue-staff
State: CANCELLED (exit code 0)
Cores: 1
CPU Utilized: 00:51:13
CPU Efficiency: 99.35% of 00:51:33 core-walltime
Job Wall-clock time: 00:51:33
Memory Utilized: 432.00 KB
Memory Efficiency: 0.01% of 3.91 GB

In this example, we see that job 10603094 requested a single CPU core and the default 4 GB per core of memory. If ran for 51 minutes, and made efficient use of the CPU. However, it did not use very much of the memory allocated to it. (For a job requesting the default 4 GB/core this does not matter too much, but it would be a problem if the job were requesting additional memory beyond the standard 4 GB/core).

A full listing of the options to the sacct command can be found using the man sacct command. We discuss only a small subset of the options here, but hopefully the more commonly used ones. Options can be divided into two broad categories: filtering which jobs/job steps to display, and controlling what information is displayed.

sacct options for filtering jobs

The following options are useful for filtering jobs with sacct:

sacct options for controlling information displayed

There are a lot of fields that the sacct command is able to display for jobs. Generally you will wish to specify what is displayed. The flag -o FIELDS or --format FIELDS, where FIELDS is a comma delimited list of field names, with the following field names commonly used:

You can see the maximum memory needed by the job on any of the nodes assigned to the node by looking at the MaxRSS field. You will need to look for the largest value among all of the records displayed for the job (Note: You should not use the -X or --allocations flag in the sacct command since the maximum memory usage typically occurs in one of the child job steps and is larger than the number displayed for the main job step). For example, if you do

login-1: sacct -j 1004702 -o JobID,MaxRSS -p

We see that the maximum value of MaxRSS for job 1004702 is 1021268KiB or 1021268 KiB * 1 MiB/1024 KiB * 1 GiB/1024 MiB = 0.97 % INCLUDE glossary_term term="gib" text="GiB" %].

You can compute the SU cost for the job with the Elapsed and AllocTRES fields. In the AllocTRES field, look for the value associated with the TRES named billing --- this the SU cost per hour of walltime for the job. Then multiple by the elapsed walltime as given in the Elapsed field. You do not need to do this for every line/job step for the job but just for the main job step, as the main step includes the resources and walltime for the other job steps (i.e., for this purpose you can use the -X flag). E.g., If elapsed is 2:45:00 and billing shows 16, the SU cost of the job is 2.75 hours * 16 SU/hour = 44 SU.

Viewing output of jobs in progress

Slurm outputs the stdout and stderr streams for your job to the files you specified on the shared filesystem in real time. There is no need for an extra command like qpeek under the PBS/Moab/Torque environment.

Cancelling Your Jobs

Sometimes one needs to kill a job. To kill/cancel a job that is waiting in the queue, or is already running, use the scancel command:

login-1> scancel -i 122488
Cancel job_id=122488 partition=standard [y/n]? y

Monitoring the Cluster

Notices of scheduled and unscheduled outages, issues, etc on the clusters will be announced on the appropriate mailing lists (e.g. HPCC Announce for the Deepthought* clusters) --- users are automatically subscribed to these lists when they get access to the cluster.

Sometimes you want a broader overview of the cluster. The squeue command can give you information on what jobs are running on the cluster. The sinfo -N command can show you attributes of the nodes on the cluster. But both of these use a text orientated display, which while providing fairly dense amount of information, is often difficult to digest.

The sview command uses real (not text mode) graphics to show the status of the cluster. As such it requires an X server running on the computer you are sitting at. This will present a graphical overview of the nodes in the cluster and their state, as well as the job queue.

PLEASE SET THE REFRESH INTERVAL to something like 300 seconds (5 minutes). Select Options| Set Refresh Interval. The application default is far too frequent and causes performance issues.

For an even prettier view, there are online pages for monitoring for the clusters at:

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