News for UMD High Performance Computing
- 2025 Jan 2
- DIT is pleased to offer this online workshop together with NVIDIA Deep-Learning Institute (this workshop is split into two half-day workshops):
Friday, February 14 & 21, 2025: Parallelizing deep learning workloads on multiple GPUs.
- 2024 August 16
- DIT is pleased to offer weekly 2-hours HPC workshps during the Fall 2024 semester:
Mondays, 9/16 - 11/11/2024, 12:00-2:00PM: Introductory HPC Workshops series
- 2024 July 31
- The Juggernaut HPC cluster has been retired.
- 2024 April 9
- DIT is pleased to offer introductory HPC workshops in April 2024:
25 April 2024, 12:00-3:00PM: Introduction to High-Performance Computing at UMD
22/29 April 2024, 12:00-2:00PM:
Introduction to High-Performance Computing (Part 1: using the Open-OnDemand web portal; Part 2: using command-line shell)
- 2023 December 15
- DIT is pleased to offer another series of introductory workshops in January 2024:
16 Jan 2024, 1:00-4:30PM: Introduction to High-Performance Computing at UMD
17 Jan 2024, 1:00-4:30PM: Introduction to Unix and shell scripting
18 Jan 2024, 1:00-4:30PM: Introduction to Compiling Software on HPC
19 Jan 2024, 1:00-4:30PM: Introduction to Software Parallelization on HPC
22 Jan 2024, 1:00-4:30PM: Introduction to Python on HPC
- 2023 November 1
- DIT is pleased to offer a 2-hours hands-on workshop on Monday, Nov.20, 2023, at 12-2 pm:
Deep Learning Fundamentals using MATLAB.
- 2023 June 12
DIT is pleased to offer a series of all-day workshops covering introductory topics, augmented by introductions to Matlab toolboxes.
The series is open to all interested members of the UMD community; registration is required.
July 3 9:00AM: Introduction to High-Performance Computing at UMD
July 3 1:30PM: Introduction to Unix and shell scripting
July 11 9:00AM: Python on HPC
July 11 1:30PM: Integration of Matlab and Python
July 18 9AM-5PM: Parallel Computing with MATLAB
July 25 9AM-5PM: MATLAB Machine Learning/Statistics and Deep Learning toolboxes
Aug 1 9AM-5PM: Compiling Software on HPC
Aug 8 9AM-5PM: Software Parallelization on HPC
- 2023 May 10
- DIT is pleased to offer another introductory workshop on May 30:
Introduction to High-Performance Computing at UMD,
and a HPC and Matlab workshop series in July (introduction to HPC and Unix (7/3); integration of Matlab and Python (7/11); Matlab Parallel Server (7/18); tools for Machine Learning and Deep Learning (7/25, TBA).
Detailed information will be provided by the end of May.
- 2022 Sep 30
- After 8 years of service, the Deepthought2 HPC cluster
has been retired.
- 2022 Aug 18
- Zaratan is finally here! Over the next few weeks we will be contacting users on
an allocation by allocation basis
to start migrating users from Deepthought2 to Zaratan. Deepthought2 will be retired by
the end of September. A summary page
listing major differences between the two clusters has been provided to help ease
the transition.
- 2022 Mar 15
- DIT is pleased to offer additional introductory workshops in March/April 2022,
including a workshop on Quantum Algorithms.
For details and registration see:
The introductory in-person(!) workshops are offered to anyone who is interested in these topics.
- 2022 Feb 4
- DIT is pleased to offer a series of introductory workshops in February/March 2022
and for the first time a workshop on Practical Quantum Computing.
For details and registration see:
The introductory workshops (webinars) are especially for users of our clusters with
limited HPC and/or Unix experience. The (virtual) workshop on Practical Quantum
Computing is offered to anyone who is interested in this emerging field.
- 2021 November 15-19
In November, 2021, the University of Maryland will once again hosted
booth at the annual Supercomputing conference, SC21 in St. Louis, MO. For
more information, see here.
- 2021 Feb 05
- Due to a cooling failure in the data center housing Deepthought2, the cluster had been shut down for protection from about 8:10 AM to about 9:30 AM. We
apologize for any inconvenience.
- 2020 Nov 10
- Part 2 of the virtual MATLAB workshop (scheduled for 11/17/20) has been postponed
due to technical problems. When the problems are solved, we will inform the HPC
users about the new date (latest in Jan.2021).
2020 Oct 30
The "rolling upgrade" of the Deepthought2 cluster
from RHEL6 to RHEL8 is going ahead full steam. About 60% of the compute nodes
have already been upgraded. As of the morning of Friday, 30 Oct 2020, we are
switching the default behaviors to favor RHEL8. In particular,
will now put you on a RHEL8
login node. For now, you can still use
to access a RHEL6 login node (and
will still put you on a RHEL8 node).
- You can still give a
flag to sbatch, etc. to specify that you want
your job to go to RHEL6 or RHEL8 compute nodes, but now jobs not explicitly
specifying an OS version will default to going to RHEL8 nodes.
Note: The host key for
has changed. You likely will see a scary looking message when attempting
to ssh stating that the "REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!". You
should never ignore such messages, but in this case it is
likely not an issue. Please see the list valid key fingerprints for login nodes, and compare that the
fingerprint in the ssh error message matches. If so, it is safe to remove
the "offending" key listed in the ssh error (i.e. the error should state
something like
Offending RSA key in /home/payerle/.ssh/known_hosts:5 .
You can remove the offending key with the command
ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/known_hosts -R
or just open the file and delete the line indicated after the colon (:) in
the error message (5 in this case); the line should begin with .
You can then ssh again. You will likely get a slightly less scary warning
from ssh, this time saying it cannot establish the authenticity of the host,
and again give a host key fingerprint. If it is the same fingerprint as before
or another valid fingerprint in
the list valid key fingerprints for login nodes,
you can just respond yes and ssh will continue to the login node (and will
record the fingerprint for future reference).
See this section for more information on the RHEL6
to RHEL8 upgrade.
2020 Oct 22
DIT is pleased to offer a virtual MATLAB workshop on November 10 (part 1) and November 17(part 2). Part 1 will address code parallelization in general and is open to all MATLAB users at UMD. Part 2 will focus on using MATLAB Parallel Server on our HPC clusters.
For details and registration see Parallel Computing with MATLAB Workshop 2020.
2020 Sep 1
We are starting a rolling upgrade of the Deepthought2 cluster's operating
system, going from the rather old RHEL6 to RHEL8. At this time, one login
node and about a dozen compute nodes are running RHEL8. We are hoping to have
about half of the nodes running RHEL8 by 15 Oct, and about 90% by 15 Nov.
The goal is to have the entire cluster running RHEL8 by 1 Jan 2021.
- You can ssh to
to go to a RHEL8
login node. The hostname
will point
to a RHEL6 login node. Currently
will also point to an RHEL6 node, but this will change to point to an RHEL8
login node at some point (probably late Oct/early Nov).
- Both the RHEL6 and the RHEL8 nodes (compute and login) will share a home
directory and lustre directories, so you can access your same files from either.
- Both the RHEL6 and the RHEL8 nodes will share the same scheduler. So you
can submit jobs for either set of nodes from either RHEL6 or RHEL8 login nodes.
You can also monitor jobs from any of the login nodes.
- Your allocations will have access to both RHEL6 and RHEL8 nodes. SUs are
shared across the nodes. So if you have a 100 kSU allocation, you can do any
of the following (but not all of the following):
- Submit 100 kSU worth of jobs to RHEL6 nodes.
- Submit 100 kSU worth of jobs to RHEL8 nodes.
- Submit 50 kSU worth of jobs to RHEL6 nodes, and 50 kSU to RHEL8 nodes
- Submit jobs to both RHEL6 and RHEL8 nodes, such that the sum of the amount submitted RHEL6 and the sum of the jobs submitted to RHEL8 nodes adds up to 100 kSU
- Software will likely be incompatible between the two OS levels, due to
differences in system libraries. We have built a new software library for
RHEL8, and will be continuing to update during this semester. Please
contact system staff if a required package
is missing. We are no longer adding new software or upgrading software
on the RHEL6 side.
- With respect to software you built, you will likely need to
recompile it for it to work on the new system.
- Because of the software incompatibilities, you will likely need to send
a job specifically to RHEL6 or to RHEL8 nodes. To facilitate this, we have
added "rhel6" and "rhel8"
features to nodes to allow you to specify which type of nodes are desired.
For now, jobs not specifying a constraint will default to using "rhel6". You
should not rely on the default behavior as we will likely be changing it in
late October/early November.
Historic Archives of news items
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