Package: | singularity |
Description: | Singularity container utilities |
For more information: | |
Categories: | |
License: | OpenSource (BSD-3 clause) |
Singularity is a container technology focused on building portable encapsulated environments to support \"Mobility of Compute\".
This module will add the singularity command to your path. You can use that to run container images that you built or obtained elsewhere. Building containers generally requires root access, which we do NOT give out, so you may need to install singularity on your desktop and create images there.
This section lists the available versions of the package singularityon the different clusters.
Version | Module tags | CPU(s) optimized for | GPU ready? |
3.9.8 | singularity/3.9.8 | x86_64 | Y |
Singularity is a "containerization" system. Basically, it allows for an application to run within a "container" which contains all of its software dependencies. This allows for the application to come with its own version of various system libraries, which can be older or newer than the system libraries provided by the operating system. The Deepthought2 cluster, for example, is currently running a release of RedHat Enterprise Linux 6 (RHEL6). Some applications really want to run with libraries that are not available on that version of RedHat, and really want some version of Ubuntu or Debian instead. While one can sometimes get around this constraints by compiling from source, it does not always work.
Furthermore, sometimes applications are very picky about the exact version of libraries or other applications that they depend on, and will not work (or perhaps even worse, give erroneous results) if used with even slightly different versions. Containers allow each application to "ship" with the exact versions of everything it wants. They can even allow the RHEL6 system running on the Deepthoughts look like Ubuntu 16.04 or some other variant of Linux to the application.
There are limitations, of course. Containers of any type still share the same OS kernel as the system, including all the drivers, and so the container cannot change that. Fortunately, most end user applications are not very fussy about the OS version. The "containment" of containers can also be problematic at times --- containers by design create an isolated environment just for a particular application, containing all of its dependencies. If you need use libraries for a containerized package "foo" in another application "bar", basically you need a new container for "bar" which has "foo" as well as "bar" installed.
We currently have only a few packages distributed as containers, but that is likely to increase over the coming months. Especially in certain fields of research which tend to have more difficult to install software. So, depending on your field of study, you might find yourself dealing with containerized applications soon.
The good news, is that hopefully you won't notice much of a difference. The container should still be able to access your home directory and lustre directory, and we provide wrapper scripts to launch the program within the container for you that will behave very much like the application would behave in a native install. So with luck, you won't even notice that you are using a containerized application.
The biggest issues will arise if you need to have a containerized application interact with another application on the system (containerized or not, unless it just happens to exist in the same container image as the first application). In general, this will not work. In such cases, it would be best if you could break the process into multiple steps scuh that at most one application is needed in each step, if this is possible. Otherwise, contact us and we will work with you to try to get around this.
Sometimes one has a Singularity image for a container and would like to know more about how the container was actually built. E.g., you have a container that provides the "foo" application in python, but want to know if the "bar" python module is available in it. Although testing directly is always a possibility, it is not always the most convenient.
As of version 2.3.x of Singularity, there is an inspect
subcommand which will display various metainformation about the image.
If your container image is in the file /my/dir/foo.img
, you
can use the command singularity inspect -d /my/dir/foo.img
to get the recipe that was used to generate the file.
The command singularity -e /my/dir/foo.img
will show
the environment that will be used when you a program in the container.
And the commands singularity -l /my/dir/foo.img
singularity /my/dir/foo.img
will list any labels defined for
the container. The labels are defined by the creator of the container to
document the container, and while are a good place to find information about
a well-documented container, not all containers are as well documented as
they should be.
Containers build for Singularity version 2.4 or higher have support for
multiple applications to be housed in the same container using the standard
container integration format (SCI-F). These various "applications" are
accessed with the --app
or -a
flag to the standard
singularity subcommands, followed by the application name. To get a list
of all defined application names for a container, use the
singularity apps /my/dir/foo.img
comamnd. Different applications
within the container can have different labels, environments, etc., so in
the above examples you would want to look at both the environment/labels/etc
of the container as a whole AND for the specific application.
The above discussion applies for all singularity containers, regardless of their origin. If you are interested in getting more information about a singularity container installed by Division of IT staff on one of the Deepthought Clusters, the following tips are provided.
module load
command for a Singularity containerized
application will typically define an environmental variable
, where FOO is the name
(or abbreviated name) of the application. This is what you should give to
the singularity inspect
where v is
2 or 3 and n is an ordinal listing all the python packages
E.g., to list all the python2 packages in the "keras" application, one could do something like
module load keras
module load singularity
for app in `singularity apps $KERAS_SING_IMAGEFILE`
singularity inspect $KERAS_SING_IMAGEFILE
singularity inspect -a $app $KERAS_SING_IMAGEFILE
done | grep PYTHON2_PACKAGES | sed -e 's/^.*: //' | sort | uniq
One advantage of using containers is that it tends to make software more portable between systems. While not perfect by any means, it is often possible to use containers made by other people, even at other institutions and built for other clusters and possibly other Linux distributions, on clusters at UMD.
The Singularity Hub contains
many software packages. These can often be used by giving as the container
name an URL starting with shub:
. E.g., one could
run a simple "hello world" container with code like
login-1: module load singularity
login-1: singularity run --home /homes/${USER}:/home/${USER} shub://vsoch/hello-world
Progress |===================================| 100.0%
This downloads the "hello-world" container from the Singularity Hub and
then runs it, producing the output shown. The --home
is discussed below.
Singularity also has some support for importing containers from Docker
Hub, using a docker:
prefix to the URL. Personally, I have had
mixed results using Docker containers --- generally I can get them to work
but sometimes it requires some effort. This may have improved with newer
versions of Singularity.
While downloading and running a container on the flt from the Singularity or Docker Hub is convenient for some quick tests, it is really not efficient if you plan to run the container image repeatedly, as it downloads the container each time it is run. Furthermore, it might even cause reproducibility issues if the author updates the container between your runs (i.e. it is possible that later runs might be using a different version of the container). In general, if you are going to do serious, production style work, it is probably best to download the container to local disk first, and then run the local copy of the container. E.g.
login-1: module load singularity
login-1: singularity pull shub://vsoch/hello-world
Progress |===================================| 100.0%
Done. Container is at: /lustre/payerle/singularity-containers/vsoch-hello-world-master-latest.simg
login-1: singularity run --home /homes/${USER}:/home/${USER} /lustre/payerle/singularity-containers/vsoch-hello-world-master-latest.simg
login-1: singularity run --home /homes/${USER}:/home/${USER} /lustre/payerle/singularity-containers/vsoch-hello-world-master-latest.simg
Note in the above that the container image was downloaded only once, in the pull subcommand, and was run without the download in the run subcommands. You can give full or relative paths to the downloaded container.
Sometimes there are issues with containers brought in from outside UMD. Some issues can be worked around, others cannot be. We discuss some of these below:
The Deepthought2 cluster is currently running the Red Hat Linux 6. This version of the linux operating system does not support overlays in Singularity, so when Singularity binds a directory from the host filesystem into the container filesystem, the directory must already exist in the container filesystem or an error will occur. Although these errors can occur for any filesystem bound from the host into the container, the most common issue is with the home directories.
p>The Singularity run and related commands by default will try to bind your home directory into the container (which is generally what you want, so that you can e.g. store results back to the native host filesystem). However, on Deepthought2 and Glue, home directories are under/homes
. Most other systems place home directories under /home
(note the plural vs singular), and therefore many containers built outside of UMD have a
/home directory, but no /homes
. When you try to run such a container
on Deepthought2 or Glue with default arguments, it will return an error like
login-1: module load singularity
login-1: singularity run shub://vsoch/hello-world
Progress |===================================| 100.0%
ERROR : Base home directory does not exist within the container: /homes
ABORT : Retval = 255
This issue can occur on the shell
and exec
subcommands as well. There are basically several ways to address this issue; they work for all of run
, shell
and exec
subcommands, but we only discuss run
below; the differences needed
for the other subcommands should be straight-forward:
after the run
subcommand. This
will cause singularity to skip the binding of your home directory, which will avoid this error.
This is usually not desirable because you typically want your home directory available, but it
can be useful with the shell
subcommand to see where the container expects to put
home directories if procedure #2 does not work.--home /homes/${USER}:/home/${USER}
to the singularity
run command. E.g.
singularity run --home /homes/${USER}:/home/${USER} PATH-TO-CONTAINER
This tells singularity that your home directory (/homes/${USER}
) should be
mapped to /home/${USER}
. As the /home
directory typically exists
in the container (if not, you can try using procedure #1 to find a suitable "home" directory
in the container and replace the second half of the --home
bind path).
directory at the root of the new container. This new container should be able to run without
the --home
binding arguments.
Singularity containers can allow one to run binaries created for other Linux distributions and/or versions, to a point. Although one can replace most of the libraries, etc. that the binary sees, one cannot change the kernel that is running. So no matter which latest and greatest linux distribution your container was built with, it will still be using the kernel of the operating system running on the host node. In particular, if you are running the container on a Deepthought2 node running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, your container will be running a RHEL6 kernel. And this is the root of this error.
Basically, the container is using libraries, and in particular, glibc (the core library for linus) from the distribution and version of linux used to bootstrap the container. The glibc library has many functions which interact directly with the kernel, and at some point the newer glibc libraries will no longer support older kernels.
Unfortunately, there is no simple fix for this issue. Basically, either the OS on the system running the container must be upgraded, or the OS in the container image must be downgraded, and neither is trivial.
At this time (Fall 2020), this issue mostly affects users on the Deepthought2 RHEL6 nodes, as that is the oldest of the distributions currently being used on UMD maintained HPC clusters. Typically, we find that you can use on the Deepthought2 RHEL6 nodes containers built for:
I believe that attempts to use containers built for Ubuntu 18 (cosmic) or Debian 9 (stretch) on the Deepthought2 RHEL6 nodes will fail with the "kernel too old" error.
The kernel on the Juggernaut RHEL7 nodes is more modern than that on the Deepthought2 RHEL6 nodes, and I believe it can support container images based on any distribution available in 2020, and maybe for a couple years after that. The kernel on the RHEL8 nodes is the most modern, and also should support containers images based on any distribution available in 2020, and hopefully for at least several years after that.
So if you are encountering this issue on the Deepthought2 RHEL6 nodes, it is quite likely that your container will run successfully on the Deepthought2 RHEL8 nodes.
While running Singularity image files interactively can be useful at times, for serious production work you will usually wish to run from within a script. This is particularly true on the HPC clusters, wherein you will typically wish to submit a job which launches an application in a singularity container.
For containers installed by systems staff and accessible via the modules
command, we provide wrapper scripts that tend to make things simple in the most common
use cases. E.g., currently the tensorflow application is made available as a singularity
container. Tensorflow is a python based package, and the command module load tensorflow
adds a wrapper script tensorflow
to your path which will launch a python interpretter
inside the container which has the tensorflow application installed. (Actually, several wrapper
scripts are installed, the default tensorflow
(and equivalenyly tensorflow-python2
launches a Python2 interpretter, and tensorflow-python3
which does the same but with
a Python3 interpretter. Plus there are wrappers for tensorboard and saved_model_cli). Any arguments
given to the wrapper script is passed to the underlying command in the container. So to use in
a slurm job script, you can simply do something like:
#SBATCH -n 20
#SBATCH -t 2:00
. ~/.profile
module load tensorflow
The tensorflow
command starts a python interpretter in the container and
passes the
argument to the python interpretter.
To use a (fictitious) MPI-enabled application foo
made available as a container,
one would similarly do something like:
#SBATCH -n 200
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu 2000
#SBATCH -t 60
. ~/.profile
module load gcc/6.1.0
module load openmpi/1.10.2
module load foo
mpirun /bin/bash foo args-to-foo
The mpirun command will launch the requested number of copies of the foo
on the requested nodes (the /bin/bash
is needed because the foo wrapper is a script,
not a binary executable), which will invoke an instance of the real foo binary inside a container for
each MPI task.
Sometimes you might want to use singularity directly instead of using the wrapper scripts, or you are using a third-party image or a container which you built yourself and which does not have a wrapper script. This is not problematic, but requires a slightly more complicated job script, mostly due to setting up the proper directory bindings and because the script when run by Slurm will not have a standard input attached. The latter can cause some confusion because something like
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH --mem 4096
#SBATCH -t 60
# BAD EXAMPLE: python runs OUTSIDE the container
. ~/.profile
module load tensorflow
singularity shell $TFLOW_SING_IMAGEFILE
python -c "import tensorflow"
command above does NOT run within the container; the singularity shell
starts a shell in the container, reading commands from stdin. But there is no stdin attached
to the script, so the shell exits as soon as it starts, and the script continues (natively on
the host, not in a container) to run the native python command, which does not have tensorflow
Generally, if you wish to have a command in the script process additional content as coming
from stdin, you need to do input redirection. This is almost always what you want with the
subcommand, but might be useful with some of the others. So the above
example should more properly be written as
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH --mem 4096
#SBATCH -t 60
# BETTER EXAMPLE: python runs inside the container, but /lustre, GPU drivers not bound to container
. ~/.profile
module load tensorflow
singularity shell $TFLOW_SING_IMAGEFILE <<EOF
python -c "import tensorflow"
Note the <<;EOF
at the end of the singularity
command; this
causes everyting between the <<EOF
and the EOF to be passed into the
singularity command as standard input. (The EOF
label is an arbitrary label,
just be sure to use the same label after the << and alone on the line ending the input,
and no spaces after the << or at the start of the line.) The python
gets passed as part of stdin to the singularity command, so it runs inside the container, as
The above example still has a couple of issues, though. While singularity will automatically
bind your home directory for you (although see the section about changing
the home directory binding if you do not have a /homes
directory in the container),
it does NOT automatically bind your lustre directory. You will likely want to do that, which will
require passing the argument --bind /lustre
to the singularity command (after the
, exec
, or shell
subcommand but before the container name).
If you are planning to use GPUs/cuda, you need to also bind the GPU drivers into the container.
The GPU drivers can be different from node to node (and should match the driver in the kernel),
so it is best not to place these into the container. System installed containers expect the
GPU drivers to be in /usr/local/nvidia
in the container; the real drivers are installed
in /usr/local/nvidia/${NVIDIA_VERSION}
on the host (where $NVIDIA_VERSION should
be set for you already on the host). To bind this, you would want something like
--bind /usr/local/nvidia/${NVIDIA_VERSION}:/usr/local/nvidia
Combining all this, our final version would be
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH --mem 4096
#SBATCH -t 60
# GOOD EXAMPLE: python runs inside the container, /lustre, and GPU drivers bound to container
. ~/.profile
module load tensorflow
singularity shell \
--bind /lustre \
--bind /usr/local/nvidia/${NVIDIA_VERSION}:/usr/local/nvidia \
python -c "import tensorflow"
One advantage of Singularity over other containerization systems is that we can allow you to run containers not built by the Division of Information Technology at the University of Maryland. So you can in theory get Singularity containers built elsewhere, copy them to a Glue or HPC system, and run them. This includes Singularity containers that you build yourself.
![]() |
Singularity containers will not run reliably from AFS. HPC users are
encourarged to place them in their home directory (if small enough) and/or in lustre.
On non-HPC systems, you will probably need to place them on a local disk (e.g. /export).
In order to build a Singularity container, you will need root access to a system with Singularity installed. Chances are, that is not a Glue/TerpConnect/HPC/DIT maintained system, but something like a desktop you installed Ubuntu or Fedora on. So the first step is to install Singularity on it. You can search for prebuilt binary packages, or you can follow the installation from source instructions; the latter are fairly straightforward.
Once Singularity is installed, you can generate images for use with Singularity on DIT maintained systems. The steps to do so depend on the version of Singularity you are using (i.e. on the system you have root on). Glue/Terpconnect and the Deepthought HPC clusters support Singularity version 2.4.2 at the time of this writing ("module load singularity/2.4.2") --- images created with earlier versions of singularity should be runnable, but images created with newer versions might not be. (At the time of writing, 2.4.2 is the latest version released.)
![]() |
Singularity containers can to some extent masquerade as other Linux distributions/versions,
but there are limits. The native kernel on the host system is the same kernel that appears
within the container, and this can cause problems if the Linux distro used in the container
is too much newer than the host system. See the section on kernel too old
errors for more information. We recommend that for the Deepthought2 cluster, currently running
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, you stick to images using Ubuntu 16 (xenial), Debian 8 (jessie) or
RedHat 6.
For Singularity versions 2.2 and 2.3, the basics steps are:
Creating a blank image is easy, just use the singularity create
You will need to run this as root; either su to root before running the command, or prefix
the command with sudo
. Assuming you opt for the latter, something like
my-linux-box> sudo singularity create -s 4096 ./my-sing-image.img
. The default size, if you omit the -s
is 768 MiB, which is probably too small. Although this will try to make a sparse file
(i.e. the newly created file from the above example will report a size of 4 GiB, but du on
the file will report much less. However, as content is added, the discrepancy will become
smaller.), the "sparseness" of the file can be lost as the file is transferred from system
to system, and not all filesystems support sparseness to the same degree, so I recommend
making the size as small as possible. (I usually create a test image, quite large, the
first time around, install the application, and then figure out how much space is really
needed, and repeat for the final image with a much more tightly fitting size).
There are a number of ways to populate an image. We list some of them here:
singularity import my-image.img docker://ubuntu:latest
Bootstrap: docker
From: ubuntu:latest
docker export ubuntu:latest | singulrity import my-image.img ubuntu:latest
sudo singularity bootstrap my-image.img my-bootstrap.def
sudo singularity mount my-image.img
) and modify the contents directly,
or start a shell (sudo singularity --writable shell my-image.img
) and run
or apt
, etc. commands to set it up manually. This is
not recommended, as it makes the container hard to reproduce, and is likely
to cause you more problems in the long run when you need to upgrade the application version,
etc.For Singularity versions 2.4, the create and bootstrap subcommands have been combined into a single "build" subcommand. They have also added a couple of new formats for containers, namely a compressed read-only squashfs format (the default), and a chrooted directory format available with the --sandbox option. The old default ext3 based format has been deprecated, but is available with the --writable option.
The command for building a container image has been simplified, and is basically
singularity build [BUILD_OPTIONS] path-to-new-container SOURCE-SPEC
The command singularity help build
will give full details, but
basically BUILD_OPTIONS can be --sandbox
to specify the sandbox or ext3 image formats above
(if neither specified, will use the squashfs format).
is the path to the new container to be
built. And SOURCE-SPEC can be any of the following:
or docker::
to generate an image from a remote Singularity registry or Docker registry.
My experiences with Singularity imports from Docker registries is that sometimes
it works, but sometimes it is difficult.
If you wish to modify an existing container to better suit your requirements, two strategies for doing so are:
singularity inspect -d path-to-container
. This
requires that the image was constructed using a recipe file and was generated
under singularity 2.4 or higher, but those conditions should be met for newer
images created by DIT. You can then edit that recipe and use it to build
the image of your desire.singularity build -s path-to-new-container path-to-existing-container
. Note that the new container will be a directory.
You can then use singularity shell --writable path-to-new-container
and you will have a shell in the new container. You can then
interactively modify the container (e.g. install packages, etc) as needed, which
will be retained in the image after you exit the shell. If desired, you can use a similar
command, dropping the -s
and swapping the order of the
sandbox and the non-sandbox containers to convert back to a file image.
If you need to modify a container built by systems staff and accessible via the "module"
command on the Deepthought2 cluster, you can use the "module display" command to find the
location of the image file. E.g. for package "foo/1.2.3", module display foo/1.2.3
will display what the module load command does, and you will see a setting for an environmental
variable named like FOO_SING_IMAGEFILE
(the FOO part will change depending on
the package you are looking at); you can copy this image file to the system you are using
to build singularity packages in order to modify it as needed.