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Registration for the Parallel Computing with MATLAB 2023 Workshop

This form will allow you to register for the Parallel Computing with MATLAB 2023 Workshop at the University of Maryland on Tuesday, 18 July 2023. In the registration form you may check one or both sessions you want to attend. We want to stress that the morning session (Part 1) is open to all MATLAB users at UMD since Part 1 addresses code-parallelization concepts that may benefit any MATLAB user working on a multi-core computer or computer cluster. The afternoon session (Part 2) will focus on MATLAB Parallel-Server applications on our HPC clusters.

Although there is no charge for this workshop, space is limited and registration is required. As a courtesy to other MATLAB users on campus, we ask that you do not register unless you really intend to attend the workshop, and that if you register and later realize you will not be able to attend, to please contact us to cancel your reservation so that we can allow someone from the wait list in.

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